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De La Salle’s Curriculum Intent is to:

- Provide a broad and balanced education so that every student has the opportunity to fulfil their potential, irrespective of their personal aptitudes and abilities.

- Have high academic ambition for all students.

- Be coherently planned and sequenced, building on the knowledge and skills gained at KS2 and cumulatively acquiring the knowledge, concepts and skills necessary for future education and employment.

- Be sufficiently differentiated in response to the ages, abilities and aptitudes of the students.

- Educate the whole person, academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally through a curriculum not only based on British values but underpinned by Gospel values, reflecting our Catholic nature and distinctive Lasallian identity.

At Key Stage 3, students study a broad and balanced curriculum. Our students follow a two-year KS4 programme with some core subjects transitioning to GCSE in Year 9, merging aspects of Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four. 

Our KS4 curriculum structure  is designed to offer a personalised pathway through Years 9-11 with students making their option choices at the end of Year 9. 

Our curriculum is designed to offer breadth and balance, supporting both high outcomes and personal development.  We continue to follow the National Curriculum  with a majority of students following an EBACC curriculum. This is supplemented by a strong SMSC curriculum with a very small non-GCSE offer. 

The curriculum at De La Salle is not solely classroom based. It is a much broader experience including trips, visits and extracurricular opportunities. Our Lasallian mission and values underpin both curriculum and timetable decisions to ensure equality of education provision for all.