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Who we are:

  • Mr Jones – Curriculum leader of PE
  • Miss Bilous – 2nd i/c PE
  • Miss Rothwell – Teacher of PE

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum includes core sports that are delivered to every class. Remaining sports are selected specifically for each class, based on their interest and performance in particular activities.

At the start of each half term students will participate in fitness training before moving onto the next sport on the curriculum.

Students will participate in two fitness tests a year and will have a retest, so they can monitor progress and improvement. This will develop knowledge of this important area within the sports industry and also test specific components of fitness that the department have identified as a weakness.  Also, students will have two weeks at the end of the year to select sports that they like to participate in.  This is to raise engagement and tailor the curriculum to their individual needs.

KS3 students, sets 1 - 5 students will undertake three lessons of a theory topic which aims to develop knowledge and understanding of key areas of PE and also engages students who may find the practical element more challenging or not as engaging. This is an assessed topic.

Year 9 will be introduced to sports leadership, this is to develop leadership skills, confidence and also promote different roles within the sports industry.  This will also prepare them for year 10 core PE and sports studies.

Compulsory activities for KS3 students: Basketball, Football, Netball, Rugby, Health related fitness, Athletics, Net Wall Sports, Dance, outdoor adventurous activities and fitness/HRF.
Optional activities for KS3 students: Handball, Dodgeball, Rounders, Softball, Tennis, Badminton, Cricket, Gymnastics, Walk and Talk, Table Tennis, Boccia, Yoga and Step Aerobics.

Key stage 4

Cambridge National sport studies Level 1/2
Examination board – OCR
This course is equivalent to the GCSE course. Students will be awarded the same points and a grade equivalent to the GCSE. This course will allow students to take A levels, Btec and National Cambridge awards at 6th form or college.

Cambridge National Sports Studies Level 1/2
In Year 10 students study:

  • Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities
  • Performance and Leadership and sports activities

Year 11 students will study:

  • Performance and leadership in sports activities
  • Contemporary issues in sport

Key Stage 4 Core PE

Students participate in a structured core PE programme designed to:

  • Maintain physical activity levels and engagement levels.
  • To promote a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • To encourage participation in lifelong sport / physical activity.
  • To develop key life skills and leadership skills (such as teamwork; co-operation; communication; resilience).
  • To provide an opportunity for students to learn about their strengths and weaknesses in a practical setting.

The programme for both year groups consists of:

Term one options:

  1. Health related fitness
  2. Sports Leadership
  3. Sports officiating

Term 2 Options:

  • Inter class competitions

Term 3 options:

  • Recreational sport
  • Athletics / rounders / cricket / softball
  • Outdoor adventurous activities 
  • All students have one lesson of core PE a week

In Year 10/11 we do not formally assess performance in practical activities.

We simply look at attitude to learning and give them an ATL grade; whilst teaching various different practical activities.

There is not a qualification for Core PE. However, students do have the option of participating in a sport leader leadership course, which can be added to their CV for college and employment purposes.