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At De La Salle school every member of the school community is committed to ensuring that we safeguard all of our students.  We recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors have a fall part to play in protecting our students from harm.

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm, safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from radicalisation.

We have a team of Designated safeguarding Leads (DLS) that are dedicated to ensuring the safeguarding of all students at De La Salle School.  Students have been made aware of who the safeguarding team are.  There are posters displayed in all classrooms and around the school of the safeguarding team.

The photographs and email addresses of the safeguarding leads are shown below:

Mr. D. Fogarty

Mr. D. Butler

Mrs. S. Starling

Mrs. T. Carlane

Mr. H. Westbrook

Mr. M. Girling


As a school we follow the DfE and government guidance that safeguarding entails:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development.
  • Making sure children receive safe and effective care.
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The schools’ safeguarding policy and practice ensures that we comply with the guidance in the following three documents:

  1. Keeping Children Safe in Education 
  2. Working Together to Safeguard Children
  3. The Prevent Duty

In addition, as a school based in Essex we follow the guidance set out in the SET (Southend, Essex, and Thurrock) Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedure


Child on Child Abuse

We are also aware of the presence in school of child on child abuse. We work with our students to ensure that they are aware of what is meant by child on child abuse, how they can report it and ensure they are aware that the school will not tolerate any incidences of such behaviour Harmful Sexual Abuse Child on Child Abuse Policy


Useful phone numbers Links for parent/carers & students:

Mental Health

NELFT Mental Health Crisis Team Phone Numbers

CAMHS: 0800 953 0222

Mental Health Direct: 0800 995 1000


Anna Freud centre for parents and carers

Young minds for students

Young minds for parents

Place2be support for mental health

Papyrus prevention of suicide of young people 



Self-Harming advice for young people

Mind UK Support  for 11-18 year olds self-harming

Children First Advice for parents and carers of children who are self-harming 


Online Safety

NSPCC Keeping children safe online

UK saferinternet.UK guide for parents and carers

thinkuknow online safety guide for parents

Government advice on keeping children safe online for parents and carers


Drugs and Alcohol advice

Talk to Frank

Young minds advice for teenagers on drugs and alcohol

Changegrowlive advice for parents on alcohol and drug use


Eating Disorders

Beat Advice on Eating disorders